The European Geoparks Week and the year of the Global Geoparks 05/13/2024 1:02 PM

The European Geoparks Week and the year of the Global Geoparks


The 20 year-old Global Geoparks Network's regional members, the Hungarian UNESCO Global Geoparks will celebrate the European Geoparks Week between May 18 and June 2, 2024 to commemorate the geological heritage of our old continent.

Those interested can also find a taste of the programs at the Novohrad-Nógrád Geopark's paleontological center, on the Ipolytarnóc Fossils website. The geopark week includes a preliminary program, the event of the Slovak-Hungarian geopark in Sátorosbánya, which was also mentioned on social media. But this also includes the meeting of the Visegrad Four (V4) geoparks held in the Czech Republic in mid-May.

The material of the V4 conference is available here. The transnational geopark will also participate in the online forum of cross-border geoparks on May 30.

The celebration of the memory of our old continent and geoparks is also held in the other two UNESCO Global Geoparks of our country, the Bakony-Balaton and the Bükk-region Geoparks, check on their website.. But it is also worth looking beyond the boundaries of our geoparks, as a special series of programs and competitions related to our geological heritage and the living planet have started in the collaboration of UNESCO Global Geoparks, take part and join them.

GGN versenykihívás 2024

The summary of the call for competition published on the website of the global geoparks can be downloaded here.